Start Here. Change Your Life. Begin Today.
Hi Friend. I’m Brandon. Faith Fueled Mindset™ and Faith Fueled Fasting™ Coach. I’ve flipped over 150 houses. Lost 30 pounds. And love personal development. Married for 28 years and have 4 kids. Love Biking and Hiking. Learning and Sharing. Here, I mainly talk about Faith, Thinking, and Habits. This site is so I can learn as much as possible and share what has worked, and not worked along my journey.
Let’s Get Started. Make it a Great Day!
No More “Once I’s”
Losing weight, making habits, breaking free from addictions, gaining self-control, etc all have something in common.
They all start with requiring us to self-evaluate. That’s where the Clover of Clarity™ helps. It sets a baseline. We need to know where we currently are, in order to know what needs changed to get to our future selves.
The Clover of Clarity
What does your dream look like? How would it look differently from now? If you could pick one thing to fix in your life right now, what would it be?
If there is something in your life that you don’t fix, how is that going to impact you? or worse yet…Your children and your children’s children?
What will be required to get from A to B? Ironically, we always think it’s getting from A to B. It never is. It’s always getting from A to Z with multiple steps along the way.
Let’s figure out how to close the gap.
Steps of the plan locked in, now it’s time to “Rock” them. That’s where the Life Rocks Planner™ helps. It is the tool that puts the flywheel into motion.
Stack your habits and lead with pride. You now have the power to change you and your family’s lives – for generations.