LMJ002-How to Set 2025 Goals That Will Get Accomplished

by | Goal Setting - Habits - Mindset | 0 comments

Want to set goals for 2025 that will get accomplished?

(VIDEO and AUDIO Below)

If you don’t learn how to do this properly, Continue to run out willpower, never meet your expectations, and let yourself down. All of this has the potential to leading a life where you know that you could be doing better.

If you get this right, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, you’ll begin to stack one great habit upon another, you’ll be able to accomplish far more over the course of a year than you ever dreamed possible.
This has the power to not only impact your life in a positive and amazing way, but your children’s lives, or your children’s children’s life. This stuff can be generational. 

3 Hot Principles
1. Winability. First problem, so many people focus on simply the end goal. While having that milestone in place is great, that is not what is going to get you to the finish line. Make doing the daily action the win. Zech 4:10.
2. Community – Iron sharpens iron. Prov 27:17. Eagles soar with Eagles.
3. Accountability – find somebody who will make sure you are going to do what you say you are going to do.

1) Set Goal
2) Create 2 to 5 Action Steps that will move you on the path.


Make it a great day.
